Wednesday 19 June 2013

My First Acoustic 1965 KENT

A 1965 Kent from Sears, not the most up scale guitar in the world but it was mine. I practiced on it for years, though it never sounded right. I probably should have got a guitar tuner when I got the guitar!
The trouble with being self taught is you have to go by trial and error, and error, and error.
It was patriotic in those days to paint your countries flag on your guitar, so that's what I did. That didn't help the acoustic qualities at all.
Over time the neck needed a reset. You almost needed a yard stick to measure the distance between the strings and the 12th fret.
Being handy...I thought I would take this project on. There was not Google back in those days, so I was on my own.
Step 1-  I loosened off the strings.
Step 2-  I got a wood saw out of my Dad's tool kit and cut wedge shape cut out of the heal of the neck. I did this knowing you need to take less wood out as you approach the fret board.
Step 3-  I drilled a hole clean through the heal of the neck and the neck block inside the guitar.
Step 4-  I installed a bolt through the heal of the neck and a nut on the inside block.\
Step 4-  The more I tightened the nut the farther back the neck went.
I now had the adjustable neck that those better guitars had.
** I don't know why this method of adjustment ever caught on.**
I  eventually gave this guitar to a kid across the street, man he was thrilled.
This is a 1960 KAY not at all like my KENT 
I went back to playing my electric RAVEN.

I never thought about taking pictures of my guitars back in those days

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